Only in a university town could you find someone chuckling under their breath as they posted this off to the ‘letters’ section of the local newspaper:

“In reading “Love and Hate” by the well-known ethologist,
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I just came across the following passage:
“Hypotheses claiming that aggression in animals is something
exclusively learned are consequently no longer tenable. Of course
this does not mean that learning plays no part in the development of
aggressive behavior. Scott’s experiments, to mention just one example,
have shown very plainly that one can make a mouse very aggressive
through a series of victorious fights. Repeated defeats, on the other
hand, subdue aggressiveness.”

Considering the effect of our easy victories in the First Gulf War,
Kosovo, and Afghanistan, I guess I’m left to conclude that we’re no
smarter than mice.

Claude Garrod, Davis”

Not that he doesn’t have a point.

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