A cultural moment in time

It must be a year now, since Ugluk the ice-man thawed out from a glacier and, in one of the classic moments of cross-cultural and cross-temporal history, contacted the Crazy Apple Help Desk to ask advice about buying an iMac.

He’s back. I thought the world should know.

Zhi-Wei Lu is a big Zhi-Wei Luser

OK, this has all been taken care of in an adult fashion.

A really slow adult fashion

Zhi-Wei Lu is keeping me waiting.

I emailed him twice* yesterday about getting me a user account on the Mahler “supercomputer” here on campus, which he didn’t do, and this morning he personally told me over the phone that it was a simple matter and he would take care of it. He told me that, over the phone, from his desk. Which is presumably where he stores his computer. Which he could have used to give me the permissions I need. That was 2 hours ago.

How am I dealing with it?

Until he does what he said he would do I’m going to talk about him behind his back on the internet. And there is nothing he can do about it.

I’ve got some parametric geocoding to do, and when I can’t do my parametric geocoding, I get nasty.

Lu, you’ve been warned.

Also, I’m going to go to lunch.

*ok, by twice I mean I sent the same email to his 2 different email accounts

A change in the wind?

Somewhere along the way, the American media has actually begun to report on some of the issues.

Yes, they failed to cover the extent of the massive peace protests last month (we’ll see about tomorrow’s), yes there has been almost no American mention of the fact that America has been spying on it’s allies or forgeing it’s “evidence” among other things, but for some reason the LA Times is publishing on this little nugget:

(from Reuters)

Report Doubts Bush’s Iraq Domino Theory – LA Times
Fri Mar 14,11:19 AM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A classified report by the State Department concluded that overthrowing Iraqi President Saddam Hussein (news – web sites) is unlikely to generate democratic reform in the Arab world, the Los Angeles Times said on Friday.

Here’s the registration required link to the the Times article.

What’s going on here?

Fresh copy

Another Poster For Peace, a collection of royalty-free peace graphics from graphic designers has recently added some new designs. Share and enjoy.

Your mommas so fat she walked by the TV and I missed three episodes.

Interested in spectral sensing of vegetation?

The powerpoint presentation that I gave to the remote sensing course today is online. It’s about some of the work we did earlier this year conducting a pilot study to see how well we could assess the water status of some conifer trees based on the light reflectance of their needles. Or something.

Check out the cool 70’s retro-ish background I made from pine needle pictures. Well, I thought it was cool.

The whole thing probably doesn’t make much sense without the audio component. And I figured out how to get better resolution in the photos just as I was finishing it up. So no high resolution photos.



holy crap

Holy crap, I just noticed Chiron is posting on my blog. I guess that thing worked then.

Carry on.

Reporting live from the unwar

Fresh pics from the rally (wrapping up now) on the UC Davis quad:


with smaller versions of the same at:


pictures of protestors and protestor-protestors.

Dynamic DNS

www.Yi.org also does dynamic hosting. I’ve been using it for a while. The best part is you can use a program or a web interface to update the IP address. I use a windows program on my desktop at home to update called yiPost. The funny thing is, it’s my linux firewall that runs on the IP even though it’s a completely different computer the runs the program. I can provide more info if required, but the website is pretty good.

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