goths put their heads together to find black tshirts

Whilst trying to figure out what happended to plain black software (please please please don’t have gone under now that I’ve built the site using webgui…), I came across this post on about where to find black tshirts. One of those little details you don’t think about unless you’re actually a goth trying to track down a good quality version of one of the staples of your wardrobe.

Well my personal collection of heavyweight “plain” black tops
(including long sleeve Ts, short sleeve Ts, sleeveless “muscle”
shirts and tank tops (singlets, wifebeaters, whatever your area calls
them – both ‘ribbed’ and flat) ) all came from either Meijers (if
you’re in the Michigan/Ohio region) or Walmart. They’re the only ones
I’ve actually found that carry the heavy cotton shirts that I like.

Oh, if he’s going for the jeans as well. So far I’ve found Wranglers
hold the black colour the best. I’ve got a pair of $12 Wranglers that
look almost perfect black after four years. Levis tend to fade after
10-15 washings. Fair warning though … wash the wranglers twice
before doing any serious sweaty labour in them. Otherwise your legs
will look a dark grey afterwards. I don’t know what the dye is that
Wranglers uses, but it;s a good one. 🙂

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