Terms of Service review website needed
Just an idea. In the same vein as the invaluable www.resellerratings.com, I think what would be really helpful is a website which solicited imput on the terms of service required by all those sign-up websites out there (eBay, hotmail, newspapers, etc etc). Very few people, when faced with the necessity that they “click here to indicate you agree with the Terms of Service” actually bother to read them. They are inevitably long and legalistic and approximatley impossible to read. However, they determine among other things what distribution of the personal information you submit is going to happen.
It would be great if there was a central repository where the few people who actually read them could submit comments on the important nuances of each website’s TOS. Then when signing up for a new program, you could quickly go there, enter the name, and find out if there is anything you should be aware of before accepting.