cautioned by the canada council
A wonderful spoken word poet who I have the honour of knowing sent an email out to her list today. At the bottom was a boilerplate promotional blurb:
lisa b is an award-winning queer political spoken word poet based in victoria bc. since 2001, she has shared her intimate, direct, and frequently very funny spoken word poetry at many many shows around bc and in oregon and has self-published 4 chapbooks …. she is currently hard at work on a west coast tour in february-march 2006 to spread her word from bc to california. the canada council has cautioned her about being overly ambitious.
Anyone who who cites a caution against hubris from the Canada Council amongst their major achievements gains auto-endorsement from me. That’s awesome.
(Incidentally, lisa b. was endorsed by me even before. If you can, come to her next Vic gig (Jan28th@Fernwood Comm. Assoc.), or catch her on tour on the west coast in coming months.)