More AnnArboria: Bill Clinton Teetering Where Shannon Brines Tottered

Bill Clinton is a one-man university commencement revolution. If Bill didn’t address your class, you didn’t really graduate. Recently he was here in Ann Arbor, graduating a class. To fill some time, he did an interview with Homeless Dave. Interviews with HD are conducted on a teeter totter (in his back yard, “Homeless” is a nickname) and are appendicized to his blog. Weee! It’s a fun interview. It’s very short, so it’s almost all throat clearing and logistics stuff until his manager bustles him on to the next thing.

I notice (I think I knew this, but forgot to follow up) that Dr. Shannon Brines also recently got an interview. Shannon is my lab manager, and has the rather cool second vocation of operating an unheated 4 season greenhouse, the produce from which he sells at the farmers market.

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