Jason Scott Details His Concerns

Jason Scott is aware and responsive to people’s contrary opinions, but he’s not backing down, not one inch. Instead he’s cranked out an enormous narrative blog-essay on why he feels as he does regarding King of Kong, a story which starts a little after his birth, moves through his adolescence and takes the reader into and beyond the filming of the BBS documentary. In case anyone was unaware, he feels quite strongly about this.

There’s also some interesting tangents about his attitude towards selling products in the age of copying:

“These three items are all you get. No booklet, no inserts, no nothing. DVD, cover, plastic case. The question naturally comes as to why you even need to be buying this physical item at all; there’s absolutely nothing special about it. An ISO and two TIFFs will give you the same experience. And there’s even a bonus: putting this DVD into your drive makes it attempt to install the InterActual DVD player, a software DVD player that, among other things, phones home to New Line Cinema, distributors of the DVD. Oh, that’s excellent, that’s truly awesome. We’re told that we can’t experience the full features of the DVD without installing this software, which I am going to assume for the time being is an utter lie; feel free to correct me if you know differently.

I’m saying a relatively puffy torrent could give you 100% of the experience. This is petty and trivial but it is true. And ostensibly a torrented version wouldn’t ask you to install a home-phoning software DVD program every time you stuck it into your computer. That this does that very thing signals, to me, old-style thinking and cynicism about the audience and their role in the ownership of this DVD, that is, gape-mouthed zombies.”


I feel strongly about a lot of stuff. Otherwise, why feel at all?

But in this case, it’s more a situation of “If I’m going to put this all to bed, I might as well give a full-on context of this, and maybe people can take more away from it than just ‘I don’t like King of Kong'”. So I decided to add some of the thinking and experiences with filming documentaries and my thoughts and the rest.

Maybe this is a little tangential (or a little personal) but when I was a kid I used to think growing up meant–perhaps for the best–feeling generally less intensely about things. Having achieved undeniable grown-up status my new observation is that I feel just about as strongly as I did in say, highschool, about say, stuff, but have significantly better strategies for dealing with those feelings.

And, um, yeah, documentaries huh?

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