Once More Unto the Bush, Dear Friends, Once More

Every year, at the end of the treeplanting season, I tell everyone I might be coming back again next year. And every year I know in my heart that no, that really was my last contract.

Maybe I’ll feel the same way at the end of this season, because off I go again.

The last couple of years were short seasons for me, but this year it’s going to be really short. 2 to 3 shifts, as part of a six-planter contract working out the back of somebody’s house in Rosswood, north of Terrace. Nothing like the 90 day, multi-company seasons of yore.

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This will be the the closest I’ve come to coastal planting, which I foreswore many years ago as a pass-time for crazies. But I’m told the land isn’t too bad, the blocks aren’t too steep, the views are good and it’s 28 cents for straight plant. I’ll find out soon enough, for better or worse. Two summers ago my knees started to go, and last year I got tendinitis for the first time. What fresh wonders of terrain and physical decay are in store for me this year? Surely nothing can go too badly in two shifts. I could stand on my head for two shifts if I had too.

And then I’ll be back! And looking for summer-time fun and grownup work in the grand old city of Vancouver.

British Columbia, where the blocks are as steep as the prices



I lived and planted trees in the Cariboo in the mid 80’s. I really like your photos – they take me back to a time when I didn’t realize how much fun I was having. Taking shelter from hailstorms, up before dawn, pulling on those cold boots, huddling around the stove with the first cup of coffee, all the great characters you end up sharing camp with…. Bring your camera this time, too.

Thanks Steve, appreciate your comment. Cariboo in the mid-80’s! Damn, that must make you one of the originals.

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