Electrolog v3.0
Same old dog, newish tricks. The Electrolog has release-cycled up to version 3.0. The major back-end difference is a switch to the WordPress blogging engine. WordPress is open source and well supported. I thought Movable Type was open source as well, mostly because they used to imply as much, but it turns out it wasn’t actually. Which is a little embarrassing, given that I touted it as such here for years. Why didn’t somebody tell me? Moving on.
I’ve laboured mightily to translate my custom-built Movable Type template into a WordPress version, so the blog looks practically identical from the front. There are a couple of nice new features: a more accessible archive, and thanks to Akismet, comments are going back on.
From behind, the WordPress user interface is pretty sweet, I’m looking forward to using it. One of the great things about WordPress is the number of easily-installable user created plugins. I may start to play with stuff like tagging and clouds and all that 21st century jazz. But I may not.
I’m keeping the “Soaked in Cosmic Wonder” subtitle, cause I still am, damn it.
Props and shouts:
- The WordPress community.
- binarybonsai, original creators of the Kubrick theme, on the trampled bones of which I rebuilt the greenstar theme for WordPress.
- Shawn Grimes for the Clean Archives plugin.
- The Akismet people.
- Everybody.
Maybe now I’ll write some more posts or something.