Complexity Summarized

For some reason, this academic wrote a chapter-by-chapter summary of M Mitchell Waldrop’s book “Complexity”. The reading of that book a few years ago is why I am now in Ann Arbor. I don’t know if it’s a very good book. I’ve heard some positive reviews from people with reliable opinions. But to quote, again, The Magnetic Fields,

Well you may not be beautiful
But it’s not for me to judge
I don’t know if you’re beautiful
Because I love you too much

Should you, for any reason, wish to know roughly what is in that book without reading it, you may find out here: Waldrops Complexity.

1 comment:

[…] It’s a shimmering new term, and here I am, still living the dream. Complexity and ecology studies at the University of Michigan, the possibility that dogged my dreams as I twisted in my smelly sleeping bag all those years ago, Mitchell Waldrop’s Complexity creasing beneath my thermarest. […]

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