Dear Senator Feinstein

Dianne Feinstein is the democratic senator for California. Though she doesn’t actually represent me (I’m not a US citizen) neither does any other politician really, so what the hell. I sent her this email.

Who knows, I’ve heard it said that these actually get read sometimes.

Dear Senator Feinstein,

Where are you? I read, watch and listen to the news frequently. The US is involved in what must stand as one of it’s most signficant foreign policy decisions, and yourself and your democratic colleagues apparently have no public comment.

Zip. Nothing.

Have you all become cowards? Are you all dumbfounded? You are a politician. Many, many lives are at stake. American security is at stake. The stability of the United Nations is at stake. As a politician it is your chosen job to respond to great challenges, not with political care but with integrity and conscience and courage. You are failing.

Speak up strongly in a public place. You are desperatley needed now.


Hugh Stimson

America is divided somewhere around the 60/40 mark on the war. Presumably we’ll mostly be supportin’ the troops once it gets going, but in their hearts there are an enormous number of USians who don’t think the right thing is being done. There is a second party in the US political system, sort of, and it their natural job to stand for all those Americans who aren’t for war. Instead that second party don’t do jack shit all, and it’s an awful display of cowardice and cynicism. I hope they have a pang when they see their salary deposit on their bank statements. I hope they have a pang when and if they get internal notification of the number of dead in Baghdad.

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