Worthwhile reading about a crusty old academic

Came across this article about MIT professor emeritus Philip Morrison in the Chronicle of Higher Edcuation:

A Man Who Thinks Otherwise

Mr. Morrison at 87 is a professor emeritus of physics at MIT. He helped build the bomb at Los Alamos and was reponsible for touring Japan after it had been dropped. He opposed the cold war and became a target of McCarthyite commuist hunters. Remember the good old days when witch hunts where so amatuerish? He seems to have spent much of his life trying to find a safe place to do physics and speak his conscience, and has some strikingly plain thoughts about the situation today.

In character, Mr. Morrison didn’t let the rocks silence him on that day long ago. “We dodged,” he says. “They got some shame and stopped after a little while. Ran out of stones. Then we went back and talked.”

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