Bloodhag’s got a video

I’m as happy as an Ed Anger with a new democratic administration.

Bloodhag is everbody’s favourite and only educore band. They’re sure as hell mine anyway. And now they’ve got a music video.

Thier tour video “The Faster You Go Deaf, The More Time You Have To Read” has been around for a while of course (although you can’t get it from their website anymore – try filesharing), but this is different. Cause it’s a music video. And it’s great. For one thing, they picked “Kurt Vonnegut” for the shoot. I should point out – as they do in the video – that Bloodhag only plays short death/speed metal tracks dedicated to science fiction authors. Kurt Vonnegut (the song) is a little preachy to start with but quickly degenerates into the kind of clever noggin smashing repetition that sets Bloodhag apart. That is, in addition to their refusal to address any lyrical material other than science fiction authors. The song part of the video is conveniently subtitled, which is good because there is no other way to understand the lyrics and it encourages you to read which is no doubt the point. There is also some great footage of people getting hit hard in the head with thrown paperbacks.

Lest you think these guys aren’t for real, I assure you they are, and they’re a dedicated group. Check out the library tour video if you possibly can and you will be convinced.

My personal favourite track remains “Ursula Leguin”. Ooh ooh Ursula. Ooh ooh Ursula.

From an interview I found in Razorcake:

Jeff: I would seriously like to go on record as saying that I believe that reading is truly punk rock and I believe that it’s truly punk rock to teach yourself through reading, and I’m totally into that and I’ve gone off on tirades on stage, and if you think it’s punk to be ignorant, you’re wrong. Because it’s punk to teach yourself. It’s not punk to go to school. Go to school, have fun. I’m just saying it’s punk to learn and it’s punk to know and be wiser than those who are supposedly in control.

Put that in your notebook and throw it at someone.

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