automated couchsurfing

From my mum:

Just read about this new website in today’s Toronto Star. The site features profiles of people from around the world-and couches they’re offering up for any traveller to crash on for free. Essentially, the site allows fellow nomads-at-heart to help each other out. Casey Fenton’s site features personal profies of each member of the couch surfing community as a physical description, travel tales, personal philosophies and details on the couch they have available. Here’s how it works: Someone wishing to travel searches the Website for members in the area. Then that person writes to anyone offering up a couch in that location. If you’re the one with a couch to spare in that location, it’s up to you whether you extend an invite to the person asking for a place to crash. If you do, you write back and work out an arrangement.

Sounds like an idea whose time has come. What do you think?

I thought it was intereting.

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