Everybody’s Bloggin

Seems like everybody’s blogging these days. Oh yeah, they are. I’ll save you the effort of clicking that link by summarizing it’s contents: the number of blogs doubles every 6 months, and it has been doing so for at least 3 years. I guess blogs aren’t just a late 90s trend after all. Which raises the question:

Who reads these things?

I know some of the people who are responsible for the last doubling.

If Jasper Blake had business cards they would have to say “Elite Iron Man Triathlete”. Which is probably why he doesn’t have business cards. Jasper is the most ferociously intense man on earth on the race course, and the most laid back chill guy off it. Business cards like that would probably make him blush. Unless he was racing, but then he probably wouldn’t need them, everyone knows who he is when he’s out thrashing them. In addition to having a new website, Jasper now has a blog. If you have ever wondered what it’s like to be one of those really good athletes you watch on the olympics or whatever, here’s you chance.

Jasper is also my housemate. I beat him at horseshoes.

lisa b. is a spoken word poet based out of victoria. She’s a good one. She too has recently started a blog, which is an interesting thing for a spoken word poet, I would think. It’s called roaming goat. She hasn’t written much in there since she got back from her west coast tour and left for her summer job working in a fire tower in northern BC. I guess living in fire tower in northern BC isn’t very conducive to posting to a blog. But I think it is very conducive to writing and refining spoken word poetry, so I suppose this is an acceptable compromise. Who knows, maybe after her first day off in town she will upload a surge of lonely rantings penned in the bush? Maybe not. Anyhow, you can read about what it’s like to be a queer Victoria-ite spoken word poet working through the fringe and mainstreets of the western US in her old posts for now, and who knows what in the future.

Did I mention I have a blog?

Who reads this stuff?

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