My Little Brother on National TV with Rick Mercer and Some Cabinet Minister

Holy shit. I called my mom today and she pointed out that my brother was on national TV a while ago with Rick Mercer and some cabinet minister.

You can see a postage-stamp sized Hal (sorry, “Hasen”, I guess that is technically his real name) here:

Mercer Report Video Archives

Scroll down to Week of January 30 2007 > Rick hits the slopes with cabinet minister Helena Guergis.

Apparently Rick Mercer is still the most popular guy on Canadian TV. Think of Jon Stewart as America’s Rick Mercer. Helena Guergis is indeed a federal cabinet minister. Of sports. For the Conservative Party. But Rick Mercer!

The best bit is at the end. Damn that’s a good moment.

Update: There’s a better(ish) version here:

Hey that’s Creemore Springs! Good boy.

Update 2: And there it is on Google Video and I didn’t even have to put it there:

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