Factual News Is One Fourth of the Story

The 3 key parts of news stories you usually don’t get — newsless.org

In sum:

WHAT WE GET: What just happened

WHAT WE MISS (1): The longstanding facts

WHAT WE MISS (2): How journalists know what they know

WHAT WE MISS (3): The things we don’t know

This strikes me as just solidly right. The author focuses on how the inclusion of those missing parts can make news articles more compelling to read, and also mentions how the context can make the information more useful. I suppose those are two sides of the same coin, but the second side strikes me as the more interesting one: context takes the rush of bewildering data and makes it into meaning. Meaning can be remembered, meaning can be useful, meaning makes me feel like know I what’s going on behind the immediate scrum of details, and will be able to understand what happens next. Raw news mostly makes me feel like I can never know what’s going to happen, or understand why.

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