What’s going on up there?

Witmer chased from teachers’ meeting

“As Witmer attempted to get on an escalator, shouting protesters, some with their heads covered with brown paper bags, rushed after her. “

It’s like the Ents have really finally had it. 8 (?) years of hard line conservative rule have finally pushed the whole lot of them over the edge I suppose.

Well, I don’t advocate violence but I do advocate getting right pissed off when it’s in order. Anybody associated with the education “industry” in Ontario has plenty of reason to want to chase down Elizabeth Witmer and throw water on her head. They really shouldn’t do it, but I understand why they want to.

Covering their heads with paper bags suggests a certain degree of premeditation. Some sort of “Lord of the Flies” scenario emerging up there maybe. Pigs head on a stick!

“Monday’s events suggested teachers are still angry at the ruling Tories.”

Ah… understatement.

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