We’re OK With This Swamp, But PR Would Be Bad

From After Years of Effort, Mandatory NIH Public Access Policy Passes Congress, Library Journal Academic Newswire

Despite heavy lobbying from publishers against the public access provision, as well as White House opposition and the threat of two last-second amendments to gut it, the legislative battle culminated yesterday with overwhelming approval of the Labor, Health and Human Services appropriations bill (75-19)….The bill must now be reconciled with the House Appropriations Bill, which contains a similar public access provision. Negotiators from the House and Senate are expected to meet this fall. The final, consolidated bill will then have to pass the House and the Senate before being delivered to the President, where it is expected to be vetoed.

Yep, the ultra-efficient two party system. During a best-case scenario of one party holding both chambers. Getting things done efficiently. Proportional representation, now that would be crazy.

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