Michigan No Longer Giving Licenses to “Non-Residents” (i.e. Residents)

I guess this has to do with September 11th 2001 in some way. The state of Michigan has decided in it’s excellent wisdom that if you want get a driver’s license you have to provide proof of citizenship or permanent residency. Since the US defines anyone without a green card as “non-resident”, regardless of whether you live here or not, that means that most internationals won’t be able to get licenses.

I’ve lived here over a year, and in the US for almost 4. My tax money pays for US foreign wars, as well as the State of Michigan’s doings. I’ve formally pledged myself to the Constitutions of the USA and the State of Michigan. But I can’t get a license.

Does this mean they’re going to relax the expectation that you get a state license to replace your international one, or does it just mean we’re not allowed on the roads?

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